International donor organizations have reaffirmed their commitment to supporting Ethiopia’s ongoing efforts to build a Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE). Representatives from various global development institutions emphasized their dedication to assisting Ethiopia in combating climate change and fostering sustainable economic growth.
Discussions were held between the Ministry of Planning and Development and international partners to evaluate Ethiopia’s progress in implementing climate commitments made at the COP29 Climate Change Conference. Officials reviewed key agreements and assessed how Ethiopia is utilizing climate finance and policy initiatives to achieve its sustainability goals.
According to Mansur Desie, CEO of Environmental and Climate Change Agreements at the Ministry, Ethiopia is making significant strides in fulfilling its international climate obligations through policy-driven initiatives. He noted that Ethiopia is a beneficiary of United Nations COP climate financing, which provides developing nations with financial, technological, and capacity-building support to mitigate climate change impacts.
“As one of the countries most affected by climate change, Ethiopia is working diligently to ensure that the funds and support it receives are effectively directed towards climate resilience and sustainable development,” Mansur said.
Ethiopia currently holds the Presidency of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN), giving the nation a leading role in advocating for Africa’s climate interests. Officials highlighted that although Africa contributes the least to global climate change, it remains disproportionately affected by its consequences. Ethiopia is therefore pushing for stronger international cooperation to secure the continent’s fair share of climate financing and policy support.
Looking ahead to the COP30 Conference in Brazil, Ethiopia has identified key climate priorities and is actively preparing to engage with global stakeholders to advance both national and continental interests.
At the global level, an annual commitment of $300 billion has been pledged for climate mitigation and adaptation efforts. Ethiopia is positioning itself to benefit from these financial resources by implementing structured climate policies and sustainability programs.
Representatives from Norway, Denmark, the United Kingdom, and various international development organizations reaffirmed their commitment to supporting Ethiopia’s green economy initiatives, underscoring their long-term partnership in climate resilience and sustainable development.