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Ethiopia and UNICEF Partner on Climate Action for Children: Safeguarding the Future Through Collaboration

Ethiopia and UNICEF Partner on Climate Action for Children: Safeguarding the Future Through Collaboration
May 16, 2024 ; Addis Ababa, (MoPD)
The Government of Ethiopia and UNICEF are joining forces to tackle the climate crisis's impact on children. A stakeholder consultation workshop titled "A collective action for climate programmes and policies for children" was held at Hyatt Regency Hotel in Addis Ababa.
The workshop highlighted the vulnerability of Ethiopian children to climate change, particularly due to the country's dependence on climate-sensitive sectors like agriculture, pastoralism and natural resources. Minor shifts in geographical presence of malaria due to climate change for example could expose millions to infection.
 H.E. Ato Seyoum Mekonen, State Minister of the Ministry of Planning and Development, emphasized this in his opening remarks.
H.E. Ato Seyoum also highlighted Ethiopia's leadership in climate action through strategies like the Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy (CRGE), National Adaptation Plan (NAP), the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and Long term Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development Strategy (LT-LEDS). He commended UNICEF for its partnership in developing the groundbreaking "Climate Landscape Analysis for Children (CLAC)” in Ethiopia, the first such study in Ethiopia. This analysis will inform targeted initiatives to address children's specific needs.
The workshop brought together government representatives, civil society organizations (CSOs), academia UN agencies and development partners. Participants were encouraged to actively contribute and develop effective climate programs and policies using the policy recommendations of the study. The aim is to safeguard and empower Ethiopian children in the face of climate challenges.
Ms. Mariko, UNICEF Deputy Representative in Ethiopia, emphasized that climate change is a children's rights crisis. She highlighted the devastating consequences, including increased school dropouts, child marriage, and exploitation, as families struggle with climate-induced shocks like droughts. 
The CLAC study was a key focus of the workshop. Ms. Mariko outlined its six recommendations for mitigating climate risks for children and potential policy changes to safeguard their rights during environmental disasters. Discussions highlighted the need for proactive, multi-sectoral solutions. This includes strengthening infrastructure with solar-powered schools and hospitals, alongside innovative financing mechanisms that engage the private sector and communities, among others. 
Discussions focused on the CLAC study's recommendations for mitigating climate risks for children. This includes potential policy revisions and proactive, multi-sectoral solutions like building solar-powered schools and hospitals. Innovative financing mechanisms engaging the private sector and communities were also discussed.
The workshop aimed to develop concrete actions based on the CLAC study's findings. These actions will form the foundation for effective climate programs and policies that ensure Ethiopian children can thrive despite the challenges of climate change.

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